Breeding Register
Keeping the breeding register is compulsory for all equine keepers regardless of the number of animals kept and their use. It must therefore be present and kept in equestrian centers, training centers, whether it is racehorses or other equestrian sports, breeding sites, stables, and even at any private individual having his horse at home.
Horses, asses and their crosses are concerned: equines belong to a species whose flesh can be eaten by humans, and all equine keepers must keep a breeding register, even if the equines for which they are at the expense are removed from the food chain.
This comprises several chapters allowing to synthesize the essential information relating to the place of detention, to follow the movements of equines, the care and maintenance which are brought to them, and to trace the veterinary interventions (medication).
Summary sheet of the characteristics of the farm and its zootechnical, sanitary and medical framework established for each species of animal
Chronological monitoring of animal movements
Chronological monitoring of animal maintenance and care and veterinary interventions
As the keeper, you must keep your breeding register in an orderly fashion and ensure that it is easy to read and understand.
The register is kept on the farm for at least five years.
Place of detention
Do you own equines? You must declare to the SIRE, the place of detention for which you are responsible.
This measure aims to identify all places of detention likely to accommodate equines, temporarily or permanently, with a view to setting up the necessary health actions. In the event of an epidemic, the health services will be able to act with each keeper as soon as possible.
Any new keeper must register before the arrival of the first horse at the place of detention. Following the registration, he will receive an acknowledgment of receipt, which will serve as proof in the event of an inspection. This acknowledgment of receipt includes the holder number assigned by the SIRE.
This registration is final, it is not necessary to repeat the procedure every year. Nevertheless, updates can be made on certain information. A place must be closed if it permanently no longer accommodates equines.
Complete the registration and manage your equine detention facilities online 24 hours a day from your personalized space on the IFCE website.
If you cannot register online, you have the option of making a paper declaration.
Download the paper form for the declaration of places of detention opposite or request it by phone or email from the SIRE.
Complete it and send it back signed:
By email to info@ifce.fr
Or by post to the address below:
French Institute of Horse and Riding
SIRE - Traceability Office
Sanitary Veterinarian
Mandatory for any keeper of at least 3 equines.
Any keeper is required to declare a health veterinarian for each place of detention for which he is responsible and accommodates 3 or more equines to the departmental directorate in charge of the protection of the DDPP populations on which his place of detention depends.
Complete the downloadable form opposite and have it signed by the designated health veterinarian, which signifies his agreement.
There are two types of forms depending on whether you are:
keeper of equines for which you declare a health veterinarian
non-keeper of these equines (responsible for the temporary or permanent animal assembly center or the event)
In order to finalize your process, you must return the form certifying the agreement of the two parties to the DDPP of your department so that your declaration is recorded and validated.
On receipt of the declaration form, the DDPP:
Checks that the designation form is duly completed by all stakeholders;
Return the completed administrative decision form (copy of the request to be kept by the keeper pending return of the original form);
Records the designation request in SIGAL (DGAL General Information System).