Today in France, if your horse does not go out to competitions or gatherings, there is no vaccination obligation.
Whenever you wish to participate in events, you must vaccinate against Influenza and Tetanus (TG vaccines). From January 2022, the FFE also imposes Rhinopneumonia for the events it organizes.
The vaccine protocol for TG and Rhino is as follows : 2 first injections 1 month apart, booster 6 months after the 1st, then an annual booster.
If Flu-Tetanus is common and generally applied by all owners, more and more breeders are also opting for the vaccine against Rhinopneumonia. An epidemic starts every year in the spring, more or less important, some forms can be serious and lead to the death of the horse, other forms present risks for the breeding females and can lead to abortions .